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dog psychology.

dog training.

dog behavioral.


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dog psychology and training

One of the biggest issues in the dog world today is people trying dog training before dog psychology.

They are focused on the physical state such as basic commands, sit, stay, down, calm, heel. Humans are asking a dog to behave in a physical state but not focusing on the dog’s mind. By focusing on dog training first before dog psychology, people are required to get food, baby talk, get toys, always trying to negotiate with their dog to get them to follow what they want. The best thing to do is understand dog psychology and focus on the dog’s mind. By using leadership being a calm, confident leader your dog needs. This way is your dog wants to be in that state of being loyal, following and respectful, doing all you want. When humans assume that position, the dog will feel it, we reinforce the state rewarding them but to bribe a dog into it doing something that you want them to do.

At “Inside Dog’s Mind” we focus first on dog psychology then dog training using a simple formula based on exercise, discipline and affection, fulfilling the dog’s instinctual needs. When it comes only to dog training, people do not really talk about energy. How do you feel? What are you projecting to your dog? Energy is everything for a dog! They focus on our energy expressed through our intention and emotion projected by our tone of voice and body language. Body language associated with energy is how dogs communicate with themselves as we can see it in any dog park. A dog will indicate submission by lowering parts of its body, particularly its head and ears; show dominance by raising their head, ears or tail; and show aggression by pinning ears back and stiffening their body.

Energy is how any being presents itself to the world, your personality, temperament, disposition. It is when our intentions meet our emotions. That is why calm and assertive energy works so well with dogs, when we are at this state our emotions are balanced and our intention is clear. Dogs understand this. On the other side, negative emotions and lack of firm intent presents weak energy and confuses our dogs. Therefore, you cannot stop a barking dog by angrily yelling. The dog does not hear you commanding it “No!” They hear you joining in the barking, so their excitement increases. That is also why baby talk confuses dogs, they read it as submissive and weak energy. Depending on their natural position in the pack, they become anxious or very dominant in response. Dogs follow balanced energy because it is what their instincts tell them to do.

It is up to us to provide that calm and assertive balance.

A dog mother begins training a puppy since the day it is born. She is calm, confident and assertive about all the rules she wants her puppies to follow. She is not emotional, anxious, tense or nervous when enforcing these rules. She enforces rules, boundaries and limitations in a calm, assertive and positive way through clear body language, energy, sound and touch to help the puppy understand what she wants. Once a puppy leaves its mother it us to us to continue providing our dogs with leadership, structure, rules, boundaries, limitations, exercise, discipline and affection. Unfortunately, in many instances, dogs stop receiving this guidance and develop behavioral issues. That is where we come in. We have experience dealing with all types of issues such as but not limited to, dog to dog aggression, dog to human aggression,
resource guarding, jumping, separation anxiety, excessive barking, leash pulling, leash reactivity, chewing, barking, begging, over-excitement, fear, and many other issues.


We will teach you how to reclaim the role of leader and have the dog go back to their natural
position as follower. 

Every human, dog and situation are different which means they require different lengths and styles of rehabilitation and training. We will come up with a step by step training plan and suggest the best option to change a dog’s unwanted behavior and train the owners on how to deal with these issues in daily real-world situations. Regardless of the option, dogs and owners will receive tested and proven effective education and training that will last a lifetime since they are committed to change their ways and practice daily what is discussed on the plan. Dogs learn by associating actions with outcomes, repeating behaviors that give positive results. Therefore consistency is so important. If your dog knows what to expect, they will feel secure and calm.

how it works?

private in home training sessions

   You can choose depending on your goals. Our 1hour Initial training session and consultation we will observe evaluate and assess the animal in the dog’s everyday environment and hands on training of any behavioral problem you may be experiencing in the setting of your choice whether it is your home, a park, on the street or anywhere else you choose. After it we come up with a plan for continued success moving forward. You will begin to experience great results within your first session with us.

   During the 2 hours session, in addition, you will be provided by an invaluable information in Dog Psychology , dog communication, energy and body language that can be applied to not only your dog but all dogs you interact with throughout your life.

   Our custom plan will be based on your dog’s specific behavioral issues, age, energy level and your individual personality and capabilities to achieve the goal of a happy, healthy and balanced relationship between you and
your dog. Using Dog Psychology, we will show your dog how to trust and respect you as a leader which will create a calm. Happy, obedient and balanced dog.


Learn Dog Skills! We will teach you how to reclaim the role of leader and have the dog go back


behavioral and train programs 

   Sometimes things happen in life that make training your dog a difficult endeavor.
   Does your busy schedule make it almost impossible to put in the necessary time and repetitions to work with your dog? Do you have a dog that is expressing severe behaviors that you are left feeling helpless and hopeless?


   Whether your dog has minor issues (jumping, barking, pulling, overexcited, overall does not listen) or major issues (dog aggression, fear, separation anxiety, etc.) this program is perfect for you and your dog.


   Our Behavioral Board & Train Program is tailored for owners looking for more involved and in-depth training.         This program is unlike any other program available because we focus on bringing your dogs state of mind back

to balance, correcting unwanted behaviors and then teach your dog obedience, commands and good manners through positive reinforcement.

At this program your dog will stay with us for a duration of 4-8 weeks (depending on the case) where they will receive continuous, structured training based on exercise, discipline (rules, boundaries, limits) and plenty of love an affection given at the correct time.

Your dog will have a customized plan based on their specific behavioral issues, training needs and goals. Along with correcting the unwanted behaviors, this program also covers things such as crate training, treadmill, no pulling leash/loose leash walking, waiting at doorways, entrances, waiting calmly for food, place command, socialization with people and dogs as well as everyday real world training with the sights, sounds and smells of different environments.

We have found that to ensure the highest success rate possible, we bring your dog almost whole way through the process and then work with you step by step to complete. We offer private training sessions once a week while your dog stay with us where you the owner are included in the rehabilitation process helping you understand what the dog has learned, is learning, their progress and how to reinforce the dog’s new behavior based on consistency and structure. This way the dog will associate its owner with its new lifestyle. When we combine that with multiple training sessions per day and the constant stimulation that dog’s mind and body are receiving followed by positive reinforcements, it makes the change so amazing.


We address all forms of behaviors problems such as dog to dog aggression, food or toy aggression, anxiety, hyper/Over excited, nuisance barking, house breaking, separation anxiety, fearful, nervous, leash reactivity/pulling, digging, counter surfing, chewing, growling, not coming when called, etc.

Our Behavioral Board & Train Program comes with follow-up training for 6 months (4weeks program) or 1 year (8weeks program). That means we are available to assist you by phone, text or email and if you need to see us again, our program allows you to schedule a visit and work on anything you may not have clearly understood or are still having some issues with. We want our dogs and families to be happy and successful achieving their goals.

behavioral foundation group course

Another training option available and a great way to follow up after a private training session is our 3-week behavioral group class. No matter the dog’s breed, age or issue, our goal for the class is to help you have a happy, balanced, well behaved dog.

This is not an obedience class; this is a behavioral group class that is going to help you understand how to be a good leader for your dog which requires 3 things. We are going to teach you how to better speak your dog’s language. We will teach you how to establish and enforce rules, boundaries and limits and we will help you learn ways to mentally and physically exercise your dog. Change is incredibly challenging, but we must switch small things first, and then we can see a big transformation in our dogs.

The classes are between 2h and 3h, it will be held once a week for 3 weeks.
There is a minimum of 8 dogs required and a limit of 15 dogs in the class. This way each dog and owner will get our attention and the whole family is welcome to attend.


The class takes place at different locations each week according with the content.


week 01

intro to fundamentals of leadership 

The first lesson is a chance for us to learn about you, your dog, and the issues you would like help with. The class covers the fundamentals of leadership that we will be using to help you and your dog. Part lecture, part demo - you are quickly going to see what makes dogs tick and how dogs can immediately start to change with the right approach.

the complete walking 

One of the most powerful learning interactions between you and your dog happens when you
are attached via the leash. Pulling, leash aggression, nervousness, refusal to move and many
other problems are common issues I see on the walk and not only are they annoying for the
owner, they teach the dog that walking is not a relaxing event. Most dogs will calm down and
stop pulling in a short amount of time when we help you combine good energy with the right
tools and techniques.

week 02

dog to dog and dog to human greetings

Working in a group gives us plenty of opportunity to practice dog on dog greetings and dog/ human greetings. This includes greetings when guests come in your home and is a must if your dog has poor social skills. We will teach you how to introduce your dog to people and dogs. Ever want to take your dog to a cafe lunch but cannot. We will show you how to take your dog into any social situation you would like them to join you in..

basic commands everyone needs

Place, down and recall are the 3 basic commands that help owners the most but remember, dogs do not use their ears to communicate so this is for us more than it is for the dogs. Humans make common mistakes when using words so we will help you understand a few small things that make huge differences in how well our commands will work.

week 03

final class social day

The last class is a culmination of all the lessons and a chance for me to help each of you do this in the real world. We will be meeting in Midtown. It is a busy area with banks, restaurants, full of people, their dogs and distractions. If your dog has social issues of any kind, it is the type of place you need to be practicing.

you get what you pet!

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